1. Register with the residents’ registration office
All residents of Germany are required to register their addresses within 14 days (after moving in at the permanent place of residence). Any person moving within their town or moving away from it must change their address or de-register. Please remember to notify all important authorities (TUM, health insurance, etc.) of your new address.
Documents needed for registration:
- ID or passport
- Registration form (available free of charge from the registration authority; available for download)
- Confirmation from your landlord, "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung": You will receive this document when you move in to the accommodation.
Stadt Garching, Einwohnermeldeamt
Rathausplatz 3, 85748 Garching
Online appointment
Tel.: 089-32089-444
Rathaus Straubing, Einwohnermeldeamt
Theresienplatz 2, 94315 Straubing (Entrance: Seminargasse 14)
Online appointment
Tel.: 0 94 21 944-0
EU citizens | Non-EU citizens |
Tips for booking an appointment:
- Selecting "Anmeldung" (mostly only available in German): Melderecht / Meldeangelegenheiten -> Anmeldung / An- oder Ummeldung
- No free appointments? - Often, there are appointments left for the current day. The offices publish those free slots on their websites about thirty minutes before office hours, so it may pay off to check the website regularly.
If you do not live in one of the towns listed above, but in one of the neighboring communities, the residents’ registration office is located in the town hall of the community. You can find the addresses of the town halls on the internet under Gemeindeverwaltung (community administration). The town halls have different opening hours. According to the Bavarian Registration Law, the confirmation of registration must be presented to the landlord.
Please note: You will also have to deregister when you leave Germany.
only have to register in Munich or the registration office responsible for their place of residence. They do not require a residence permit.
see Entry requirements – Overview of visa requirements / exemptions must apply for a visa at the German Embassy in their home country and, when in Germany, apply for a residence permit. Exception: If the visa was issued for the entire duration of the stay abroad, it is not necessary to apply for a residence permit.
Documents needed for application:
In some offices (e.g. KVR Munich) to apply for a residence permit is possible via an online system of the office of foreign affairs (see adresses under "Responsible authoritiy"). Please have the following documents ready to upload them during the application process for your residence permit:
- Completed application form (can be found on the websites of the responsible authorities)
- Valid passport
- Enrollment certificate from the Technical University of Munich
- Proof of health insurance
- Proof of financial resources of € 934 / month: Financing must be secure for at least one year. If you are granted a scholarship of less than currently € 934 monthly, you must submit additional evidence from your parents or from a sponsor to make up the difference in the amount.
- Visa for study purposes, if applicable
- Recent biometric passport photo
Fees: Issue of a residence permit € 100 , extension € 96
Futher information can be found on the websites of the office of foreign affairs (see next part).
Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR), Ausländerangelegenheiten
Ruppertstr. 19, 80337 München
Tel.: 089 233-96010
Website (only in German)
Online application for a residence permit (Please find an English step-by-step explanation below under Downloads and Safety information.)
Please note:
If you need an appointment in case of an emergency, this needs to be arranged online . Please note that only really urgent issues count as emergencies (e. g. imminent loss of financial support, urgent travel for personal or professional reasons).
Landratsamt Freising, Ausländeramt
Landshuter Str. 31, 85356 Freising
Tel.: 08161 – 600-0
E-Mail: auslaenderamt(at)kreis-fs.de
Landratsamt München, Fachbereich 4.6.1 - Einreise und Aufenthalt
Ludmillastraße 26, 81543 München
Tel.: 089 6221-1400
E-mail: auslaenderbehoerde(at)lra-m.bayern.de
Website (German only) – select your contact person (“Ansprechpartner”) according to your surname
Rathaus Straubing, Ausländeramt
Am Platzl 31, 94315 Straubing
Tel.: 09421/944-70150
E-mail: auslaenderamt(at)straubing.de
Website (German only)
Bürgeramt, Ausländerbehörde
Marktplatz 7 (entrance Lohtorstraße), 74072 Heilbronn
Tel.: 07131 56-2064
E-mail: abh(at)heilbronn.de
Website (German only)
Online appointment (residence permit familiy name A - Kt respect. Ku - Z)
If you do not live in one of these towns, but in a neighboring community, the responsible authority can be found at the town hall or district administration.
Please note: It is advisable to apply for a residence permit soon after registering your residence (but at least 6 weeks before your visa / residence permit expires), since you may have to deal with considerable delays at some Foreigners' Offices. You are entitled to stay in Germany while waiting to get an appointment, even if your visa / previous residence permit expires (so-called "Fiktionswirkung" - proof: visa + Foreigners' Office's confirmation of receipt of your application). However, students who entered Germany without a visa must not travel outside of Germany after the permitted duration of their visa-free stay without a residence permit (i. e. they must stay in Germany until obtaining their residence permit).
3. Open a bank account
As in Germany you can only pay your rent (utilities, etc.) via money transfer, international students are advised to open a bank account (check account) as soon as possible after their arrival. Account management is free of charge, if you are able to identify yourself as a student. As at the time of account opening you may not have a student identification yet, you should explain this to the bank and submit your TUM Student Card at a later date.
Documents needed for opening a bank account
- Passport
- Registration certificate issued by the residents‘ registration office
- Student ID or enrollment certificate
- Tax ID
Immediately after opening an account you will be given the number for an account where you can deposit or withdraw money. Usually, you will receive the EC card for your account a few days later.
Since 2018, it is obligatory in Germany to show a tax ID when opening a bank account.
- When coming to Germany, please bring with you your own tax-ID from your home country.
- Where to find it? Visit the OECD portal or ask your home university / family.
You can also get a German tax ID:
- Find an accommodation in the city / environment of Munich.
- Register at your local resident registration office.
- Around six to eight weeks later you will receive it via post.
Please note: Landlords and most institutions, such as the University Sports Center, will need your bank data immediately, so you typically cannot wait six to eight weeks for the tax ID. To avoid inconvenience, bring your tax ID from your home country when opening a bank account.
The major banks in Germany are: Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, (Stadt-)Sparkasse, Volksbank, Raiffeisenbank, Hypovereinsbank, Spardabank, Postbank. As long as you only wish to open an account, their terms and conditions do not vary significantly.
As a student, you will receive the following advantages:
- Free account management
- Free cash withdrawals from cash machines of the respective banks
- Free domestic payment transfers,
- Internet banking
- EC card in order to pay cashless and to withdraw money.
If you want to open a bank account before you arrive in Germany, you can of course sign up for an account through an online bank, e.g. N26 if this fits to your plans.
4. Get your TUM Student Card
Each student enrolled at TUM is eligible for a Student Card. This card is your student ID at TUM. You can use it e.g. as basic ticket for the local public transport in Munich, for the uni library, and also pay for lunch, snacks, and beverages in the canteen and at vending machines if you put money on your card.
You will receive further instructions from the TUM Global & Alumni Office via e-mail where and when you can get your TUM Student Card. If you stay with us during the winter semester, you will receive this information e-mail in September, if you come to TUM for the summer term, you will get the mail in March.
As pre-information: To obtain the Student Card for is possible from October 1 for winter term, respec. from April 1 for summer term (or from the following working day, if it falls on a week-end / public holiday). Not earlier.
However, before picking up your Student Card, you can already print out several study documents via your TUMonline account, e.g. your proof of enrollment.
5. Determine if Confirmation of Stay is required
Please clarify with your home university if you need a certification of your stay signed by TUM and if so, your home university will provide you the form.
If your home university requires this Confirmation of Stay, please contact the International Affairs Delegate at your school.
Please note: TUM Global & Alumni Office is not authorized to sign any documents. For any signatures, therefore please contact the responsible International Affairs Delegate of your school.
Signatures and date of your arrival / departure
- Arrival: This certification will be signed by your TUM school representative after your first academic activity at TUM, e.g. language course, orientation weeks, information event. In winter term at earliest October 1, in summer term at eariest April 1.
- Departure: This certification will be signed by your TUM school representative with the date of your final academic activity, e.g. last exam, end of courses, submission of thesis. Please note: This is not automatically the same date as the end of semester.
7. Learn about public transport & buy the "Deutschlandticket", if needed
Since May 2023 the new optional "Deutschlandticket" was released. From winter term 23-24 it replaces the current basic- / semesterticket.
For all further information please see under "To dos after admission" / "calculate your cost of living".
8. Find a part-time job
Foreign students enrolled in a German university may work up to a maximum of 140 full days per calendar year. Additionally, part-time student employment at a school of higher education is permitted throughout the year. However, for this you require the authorization pursuant to immigration law from the Foreigners’ Office in your residence permit (Section 16b, para 3 AufenthG, German Residence Act). Any employment beyond this will generally not be possible. Exceptions can only be made in individual cases for temporary hardships or with a special justification. However, students do not have an automatic right to this exception.
EU students from the "old" EU states are normally permitted to work for an unlimited period of time (within the scope of the general provisions for students); citizens of the "new" EU states (accession from 2004 on) require permission from the employment agency for employment for more than 120 days.
In case of an employment relationship (e.g. Mini job, Hiwi-job, working student) during an exchange stay to at least finance themselves on a partially part, there is an obligation to have health insurance.
Helpful contacts
The Career Service of the Technical University of Munich is available to TUM students and TUM alumni. On the central online job and internship board of TUM, you can easily search for internships, jobs for working students, master's theses, dissertations, trainee positions, and permanent employment at TUM, in companies, and other academic institutions.
You can also find much information and many tips on the Working at TUM website.
Students can work as student assistants at TUM within the scope of research projects or work at an institute or academic chair. Vacancies are published on the bulletin boards of the chairs and institutes and can be found online.
When applying for scientific work at an academic chair during the semester, the following documents must be presented to the local Foreigner's Office:
- Personal statement regarding need to work
- Intermediate diploma or certificates acquired so far
- Confirmation from the academic chair with regard to type and duration of the employment and number of hours per week
- Proof of financing since the last extension of the residence permit
The Students’ Service helps students to find jobs with only several weeks duration, but also offers short-term occasional jobs allocated by a lottery procedure. The latter is called Schnelldienst, which means quick service.
Students’ Service of the Job Center Munich
Tumblingerstr. 21, 80337 Munich
Subway: U3/ U6 – station: Goetheplatz
Schnelldienst: Tel. 530 – 980 30
Long-term placements: Tel. 530 – 980 33 or 36
The following documents must be presented:
- Certificate of enrollment
- Identity card or passport
- Passport photograph
Together with the company Die Job-Börse, the Munich Student Union maintains its own employment agency. Via jobcafe you can find internships, jobs for working students, side jobs and permanent employment for students and graduates. This service is free of charge for all persons seeking employment.
Mensa of TUM campus Garching
Lichtenbergstr. 2, 85748 Garching
Tel.: 089 – 32 73 06 28