TUM offers international university staff stays for training opportunities within the scope of grant programs. For example, administative staff of European partner universities have the chance to come to Munich for a professional exchange with colleagues of TUM via Erasmus+. Staff of non-European partners can apply through the program Erasmus+ International Dimension.
Montgelas funding line: TUM Invited Experts in Administration
TUM administrative and service units can nominate international experts from science administration for a subsidized stay at TUM as part of the Montgelas Program.
Training opportunities for staff of European partner universities
You work at a European partner university and want to visit us for a knowledge exchange with colleagues at TUM? Get more information about your possibilities via Erasmus+.
Training opportunities for partner staff from all over the world
Staff of our non-European partner universities have the the opportunity to visit TUM for training purposes via the Erasmus+ International Dimension. Learn more here.