The Maximilian Graf Montgelas Fellowships provide employees of the university administration with the opportunity to spend time at TUM partner institutions around the world. In line with the TUM Agenda 2030, the aim is to further strengthen the internationalization of the TUM administration both in terms of personal competence gain and the further development of an internationally capable science administration.
Apply now!
You are welcome to submit your applications by March 15.
In addition to individual consulting services, we offer info appointments via Zoom. Registration is not required.
- Thursday, February 20, 1- 1.45 p.m.
Goals of the Montgelas Fellowships
- Getting to know international good practice through stays at TUM partner institutions
- Coordination and optimization of cooperation in joint projects
- Establishing and intensifying contacts with colleagues and administrative units at partner institutions
- Better understanding and awareness of country-specific differences, e.g. in personnel or financial administrative practice
- Inspirations for your own personnel development and for new approaches in your personal work environment
- Inspirations for organizational development, e.g. evaluation of existing and establishment of new processes
How it works
- Start considering/researching the desired project and partner/target region
- Talk with supervisor for basic OK and internal planning
- Approach partner institutions
- Create sketch of the planned project
- Obtain brief statement from supervisor and partners
- Submit the proposal to TUM G&A
Eligibility requirements
- All employees from the entire science administration employed at TUM are eligible to apply. Applicants should have been working at TUM for one year or longer at the time of application.
- Employees of the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy (HfP), as well as of the University Hospital, can be funded if the activity is closely related to university administration tasks. We recommend you consult the TUM Global & Alumni Office before submitting your application.
- The employment relationship must continue beyond the duration of the planned stay abroad.
- The funding measure must be directly related to the work performed on the job
As a rule, funding is provided for stays at TUM partner institutions (universities, research institutes, companies) worldwide - outside Europe as well as in Europe. TUM maintains particularly close relationships with its strategic partners. You are also welcome to find out more about the wider TUM network (e.g. via MoveOn).
In justified cases, stays can also be completed at institutions that are not yet partners of TUM.
If you have any questions regarding the selection of a partner institution, we will be happy to advise you.
Within the framework of the Montgelas Fellowships, your travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the Bavarian Travel Expenses Act (see Dienstleistungskompass). Please note that, according to the current status, daily allowances will be reduced for stays of more than 14 days, and lower rates will apply for hotel reimbursements.
In justified cases, other costs related to the program at the partner institution may also be covered. These include, among others, the participation fees for joint training courses on-site.
You can set the content focus of the self-organized stay individually and according to your needs. Please note that the work program of the stay must be coordinated with the superior as well as with the partner before the application is submitted.
Examples of eligible activities:
- Participation in a model project of the partner institution
- Exchange of good practice and problem solving strategies
- Job shadowing
- Joint administration of a cooperation project
- Initiation of a new cooperation project
As part of the work program, participation in further training formats of the partner institution (joint training courses, language courses) can be supported, especially in the case of longer stays. However, the above-mentioned program objectives must be the recognizable priority of your stay.
Application for the Montgelas Fellowship
Applications can be submitted until March 15, 2025.
Please submit your application via our online application portal.
Required documents
When applying for the Montgelas Fellowship, you must submit three separate fully completed documents and, if applicable, an additional cost plan. The templates containing more detailed information can be found in the download area, whenever a Call for Applications is open.
- Sketch of the planned project
- Confirmation from the host institution
- Endorsement from the superior, which includes a brief assessment of the project's benefits from a departmental perspective
- (If applicable,) cost plan for special expenses that go beyond mere travel and accommodation costs
We recommend that you seek advice from the TUM Global & Alumni Office before submitting the documents - especially with regard to the outline of the planned project.