Through the Invited Experts funding line, TUM administrative and service units can nominate international experts from science administration for a subsidized stay at TUM as part of the Maximilian Graf Montgelas Program. Employees and entire teams at TUM thus have the opportunity to exchange ideas with experienced experts from partner universities in their respective workplaces and benefit from the guests' expertise.
The nominated person is usually an experienced colleague from a TUM partner institution (university, research institution, or company).
The focus is on the university's strategic partners & alliances. In addition, other partners from the international TUM network can also be selected, depending on their relevance to the respective field of work.
Funding is available for stays at TUM lasting a maximum of 5 days (plus travel days).
The program should be designed so that as many employees of the nominating department(s) can gain insight into the administrative practice of the partner institution and thus expand their skills.
The program should include:
- At least one workshop or comprehensive presentation for the entire inviting department/team
- Individual and group appointments for collegial exchange
- Optional: Information and networking events for other members of the university
- In addition to the objectives of the inviting department, please clarify the guests' interests early and, if necessary, take them into account through additional program items.
Suitable persons can be nominated by the heads of TUM central departments, central service units, university departments, and staff units, as well as by schools and, after consultation, by other university institutions. Nominations can also be made jointly by two or more units.
The nominating units act as host institutions during the stay.
Please submit your nomination via our portal.
You can nominate an expert anytime after consultation with the TUM Global & Alumni Office.
The Senior Executive Vice President for International Alliances & Alumni, together with the Senior Executive Vice President for Human Resources, Administration & Finance, decides on funding within the framework of the Maximilian Graf Montgelas Program.