The TUM Global & Alumni Office (TUM G&A) offers numerous scholarship programs, which enable study visits and internships within Europe and worldwide. Here you can find information about TUM scholarships and funding opportunities through external providers.
The PROMOS program supports students with grants for the completion of final theses and seminar papers outside of Erasmus+ zone for up to six months.
Target group
- German students enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree program at TUM
- International students, enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree program at TUM and NOT planning to study in their home country
- Self-organized stays abroad, not intended for participants in existing programs such as TUMexchange or for study abroad programs through partnerships between departments or Erasmus
Fundable stays abroad
- Unpaid stays abroad for final theses and compulsory seminar papers (research papers with credits) at universities, companies or scientific institutes. New: To deepen the cooperation with strategic partners, we especially support stays for final theses at Imperial College (UK), KNUST (Ghana), University of Queensland (Australia) and Tsinghua University (China)
- PROMOS grants can only be obtained for stays outside the Erasmus+ area
- Minimum stay abroad: 4 weeks for final thesis
- Please note: Due to the reduced PROMOS budget, funding for PJ medical students will unfortunately no longer be possible as from 2025.
2025/ 2026 application deadlines
- Till May 31st, 2025 (12:00 AM), if the stay abroad takes place primarily after June 1, 2025 (e.g. for stays abroad between May and October)
- Till November 30th, 2025 (12:00 AM), if the stay abroad takes place primarily after December 1, 2025 (e.g. for stays abroad between December and May). Then the support for your stay abroad is available only from the beginning of 2026. The scholarship is effective on January 1, 2026
Grant amounts
- Monthly stipends (see “Teilstipendium Aufenthalt” on the list of DAAD 2025) over the actual duration of the stay, up to six months till the end of February of the following year
- Possibly travel cost support provided for the respective country, (see “Teilstipendium Mobilität” on the list of DAAD 2025) (PDF, 157 KB), depending on the number of applicants.
- Further distribution of residual funds to the successors in exceptional cases, e.g. distribution of monthly rates for half of the duration of the stay abroad
- Transferal of the funds as a lump sum payment once the outcome of the application has been announced. Please note that the payout can currently take 2 to 3 months!
Combination with other grants
- Combination possible with grants from private associations and industry grants, as well as the “Deutschland-Stipendium”
- Combination with federally funded study abroad aid (Auslands-BAföG) also allowed (in that case, scholarship holder must inform the BAföG-Agency about the PROMOS scholarship)
- Holding of an additional public grant is not allowed (e.g. Max Weber Program)
- Via our Online Application Portal for stays abroad
- Only applications within the stipulated period are accepted. Please proceed according to this Application Guideline (PDF, 471 KB).
- grades / ranking: 40%
- letter of motivation, CV, personal engagement, references: 50%
- language skills relevant to the thesis: 10%
Announcement of the outcome of the selection process
- Via e-mail approximately 12 weeks after the application deadline (End of February)
- If approved, acceptance of the grant by a filled Scholarship Agreement (Stipendienvereinbarung, received alongside the letter of acceptance via e-mail).
- Please refrain from inquiring about the status of your application, since this only leads to delays in the selection process
Confirmation of Stay
- Mandatory submitting of a Confirmation of Stay (PDF, 15 KB) after the stay abroad, signed/stamped by the advisor/contact person abroad
- Requirement, so that the stay abroad is listed on diploma supplement
Frequently asked questions about PROMOS individual scholarships
Funding Source
The PROMOS program for promoting student mobility outside the Erasmus area was developed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and is funded by the BMBF. TUM G&A assigns these funds based on a quality-oriented selection process which is subject to final approval by the DAAD.
The PROMOS program provides grants for participation in subject-specific study related travel (group travel) to countries inside and outside Europe.
In line with the TUM sustainability strategy, which includes a "significant reduction in mobility-related CO2 emissions", we welcome applications for trips that are made using sustainable means of transport.
Target Group
German and international students enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree program at TUM intending to complete their degree program at TUM (no ERASMUS or TUMexchange students)
A university representative (lecturer, research assistant) of TUM
Fundable Stays Abroad
Travel abroad of at least two students for subject-specific learning purposes include, for example
- visits, tours and information meetings at universities abroad as well as participation in block seminars and workshops
- exchanges with local students and/or researchers in order to develop and maintain relationships between German and foreign universities
- gaining insight into the economic, political or cultural life of the host country
Especially for shorter stays abroad, the ratio of CO2 emissions to the time spent abroad is very high. We therefore refrain from promoting air travel and concentrate our funds on trips that are made by
- train, bus, carpooling or other low-emission means of transportation.
Convention and conference travel as well as summer- winterschools are NOT supported
- Ongoing throughout the year, after personal or telephone consultation
- Before the beginning of the trip
- To be submitted by a university representative / lecturer for the entire group (no individual applications)
- Limitations on applications per faculty (a maximum of 30% of all applications can come from one faculty per year)
- No continuous project funding possible, i.e. excursions that are regularly repeated can be funded a maximum of twice
- Please follow this application guide (Instructions 245 KB)
Grant amounts
In accordance with the daily rate determined by the DAAD, grants are as follows
- 45 € per day per participant within the EU
- 45 € per day per participant outside the EU
Funding available for a maximum of twelve days
- Upon return from the travel
- After the required documentation has been submitted in full
- Via electronic transfer to the TUM account of the chair
Funding Source
The PROMOS program for promoting student mobility outside the Erasmus area was developed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and is funded by the BMBF. The TUM G&A assigns these funds based on a quality-oriented selection process which is subject to final DAAD approval.
Documents for the application:
- Exclusion of double support (only for TUM staff)(PDF 385KB)
- List of participants (submit as excel file as well as signed PDF version to weindel(at)zv.tum.de)
Scholarship grants provided for studying abroad, internship or graduation theses as well as term papers in Switzerland.
Travel cost support is available from the TUM Global & Alumni Office for academic activities in developing countries.
With this grant, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) wishes to provide its students and employees with an opportunity to perform academic activities in developing countries1 and to make both new contacts and to strengthen already existing contacts and projects.
In detail, the objectives are:
- Promotion of the developing country mobility of TUM students and employees
- Strengthening the developing country competence of TUM students and employees
- Establishment and expansion of the research and project cooperation between TUM and universities in developing countries
Employees and/or full-time students at TUM are eligible for funding. For each trip, up to three persons can be sponsored by these funds. Students must have a strong recommendation from the university department chair to carry out the trip to the developing country.
Exclusion of double funding
TUM employees may not receive any additional financial funding and may not claim the travel cost from TUM or from any other institution.
Funded measures
Travel costs (normally flight costs) of TUM students and/or employees for
- short stays in developing countries, e.g. for coordination or initiation of projects
- stays in developing countries in order to perform projects
- research stays related to the improvement of the living conditions of the local population
Projects in close cooperation with an institution in the developing country will be given preference for funding (in contrast to field research without closer contacts in the developing country). Both the promotion of new projects and the expansion of existing cooperations are possible.
Funding scope
The maximum is 1,000.00 Euros of the travel costs actually incurred (normally flight costs) per person and application. Costs of visa, rental cars, accommodation and costs of the stay will not be assumed.
Application and selection
A prerequisite for a valid application is a personal initial consultation or presentation of the project at the G&A Office. If the eligibility is given, the application is made by e-mail using the corresponding forms. Applications can be submitted continuously during the year until all the funds are used up. Early application is recommended.
Application documents
Prior to commencement of travel
- application form including declaration of acceptance and liability form (pdf, 1090 KB)
- authorization for business travel (only in the case of employees)
- letter of recommendation from the chair (only for students)
- letter of invitation from the hosting institution (in case of cooperation with an institution in a developing country)
After return
- filled in report form (pdf, 135 KB)
- Flight invoice in Euro (if not already submitted)
- list of travel costs in Euro (only necessary if several invoices are submitted) (xls, 11 KB)
Please use exclusively the forms provided on this website. Thank you very much!

Funding for PROMOS scholarships
The PROMOS program for promoting student mobility outside the Erasmus area was developed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and is funded by the BMBF. TUM G&A assigns these funds based on a quality-oriented selection process which is subject to final approval by the DAAD.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers various exchange programs and internships for specific disciplines in selected countries and/or institutions, e.g. “RISE weltweit” (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) or the "IFI" program for international research stays for computer scientists. Please visit the following websites for an overview of the many scholarship programs offered by the DAAD.
Stipendiumplus - Scholarships for the promotion of young talents in institutions of higher education
The various organizations of "Stipendiumplus" also offer their scholarship recipients funding for stays abroad.
The objective of the Rotary Foundation is to promote peace and understanding between nations across the globe. Suitable candidates may apply for funding of their study abroad.
Federally funded student financial aid abroad (Auslands-BAföG) is a unique funding option provided by the German government for entire degree programs, parts of a degree program, internships or student exchanges abroad, both in Europe and outside of Europe. If you are already receiving BAföG in Germany (Inlands-BAföG), you are guaranteed to receive Auslands-BAföG. If you are not receiving Inlands-BAföG, you may still be eligible to receive Auslands-BAföG. Due to the higher cost of living abroad, a much greater number of students are eligible for state-funded financial aid in this case.
- Australia Awards
- Deutsch-Australisches Netzwerk e.V.
- GOstralia!
- Ranke-Heinemann Stiftung
- Study Australia
Working in Australia: International students are allowed to work in Australia up to 20h/week.
- DAAD Rise Weltweit - Research Internships in Science and Engineering
- Institut Ranke-Heinemann supports every student (Freemover) financially during their stay abroad in Australia, New Zealand or Canada within a scholarship programme.
- Institut Ranke-Heinemann
Institut Ranke-Heinemann supports every student (Freemover) financially during their stay abroad in Australia, New Zealand or Canada within a scholarship programme.
The programme consists of two components: one is the financial support and the other is the mentoring during the application process, the stay abroad and even after the return. All Australian and New Zealand universities are included in the programme, as well as 70 universities/colleges in Canada.
- Community for student exchange in Central and Eastern Europe
Every semester, the GFPS partner associations in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic award scholarships for students and doctoral candidates to complete a study visit or a semester language course. German students can apply for a semester in Poland or the Czech Republic.
- Bavarian-Czech cooperation
Funding and scholarship programs for Bavarian-Czech cooperation in the field of higher education:
- Academic projects (workshops, summer/winter schools, excursions, project preparation),
- Mobility grants for study, lecture and research trips,
- Mobility grants for internships in the Czech Republic,
- scholarships for research stays and specialist courses, scholarships for language courses in both countries.
Students, teachers and researchers at state and state-funded universities and colleges in Bavaria and the Czech Republic can apply.
- BAYHOST provides mobility grants for internships and the exchange of students as well as young researchers in east Europe (e.g. Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary).
- The German National Academic Foundation awards scholarships and grants for tuition fees for study or research stays in Eastern Europe.
Swiss-European-Mobility-Programme (SEMP)
The Swiss-European Mobility Program (SEMP) offers TUM students monthly funding of up to CHF 440 for an internship or a practice-related thesis in Switzerland.
In principle, internships can be funded for all fields of study, but the allocation varies depending on the institution. As the funds are awarded by the Swiss universities, funding is often only available for internships and dissertations at the universities themselves - for example in their university laboratories and university clinics. However, some universities also support internships at partner companies and organizations.
Please contact the Swiss university directly to find out whether your internship or practice-related thesis is eligible for funding and, if so, apply directly to the university in Switzerland for the SEMP scholarship.
You can also find general information about SEMP on the movetia website. The Swiss agency has been responsible for managing the program since 2017.
- Fullbright scholarships for studying at universities in the USA
The Fulbright Commission awards travel grants for semesters abroad at a partner university in the USA. The prerequisites for a successful application are German citizenship and a willingness to actively promote German-American understanding. Applications should first be sent to the TUM Global & Alumni Office. The committee then selects its scholarship recipients from the forwarded applications and notifies them of the outcome of their application.
The Fulbright Commission also awards highly endowed study scholarships for one semester or academic year for students at Master's level.
Application information and application forms can be found on the Fulbright Commission website.
- Bavarian-Californian University Center BaCaTec
With the Bavarian-Californian University Center (BaCaTeC) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, the Free State of Bavaria supports cooperation between researchers from Bavaria and California with a focus on the high-tech areas of life sciences, information and communication technologies, new materials, environmental technologies and mechatronics.
- Federation of German-American Clubs
The VDAC Student Exchange is a large privately organized exchange program between Germany and the USA. Each year, over 50 German and American students are awarded a scholarship by the American partner university.
- The ERP Scholarship Program
The ERP program finances excellent students during a one- to two-year study or research stay as part of a Master's or PhD program at top US universities. Graduates of all disciplines can apply.
- Getty Bachelor Internship Programme
- Association of German Foundations offer funding for studies in the USA
Haven’t found the right scholarship program?
The following online services provide a good overview of funding opportunities:
- Stipendium Plus
Twelve Federal Ministry of Education and Research scholarships for outstanding students
- Stipendienlotse
Scholarship database of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- European Funding Guide
Scholarship database within Europe
- e-fellows.net
The ultimative online scholarship and career network