Under the presidency of Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission wants to bring climate protection and the reduction of CO2 emission at the center of their ambition. With the European Green Deal, the EC strives for a climate neutral Europe by 2050.
To reach this target, actions by all sectors are required. Europe must invest in environmentally friendly technologies, support the industry to innovate, decarbonize the energy sector, make sure that buildings are more energy efficient and that cleaner, cheaper and healthier forms of public transport are rolled out. In all these actions, research and innovation is at the center to make these targets a reality.
To not loose time and be able to show results quickly, the European Commission just published the Green Deal pilot call within H2020 under the headline Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: research and innovation in support the European Green Deal. The call will cover 20 topics in ten key areas and will fund projects with a total budget of one billion euros.
Large attendance at webinar on Green Deal call
On September 14, the TUM Brussels branch organized a webinar for interested researchers on this newly published pilot call to raise awareness of the existing funding opportunities, providing the participants with the call details and give some background information on the political raison d’etre of the European Green Deal. 40 TUM researchers, representing ten different faculties, participated in the webinar and got the chance to ask their questions about the specificities of these funding opportunities.
In a follow-up, the TUM liaison officer in Brussels, Maria-Valerie Schegk will help to facilitate consortia within the EuroTech Universities Alliance and provide further intelligence on the call. Researchers of TUM who did not have the chance to join the webinar, but are interested in the European Green Deal pilot call, may please contact Mrs Schegk directly.