Since 2011, TUM has been represented in India by a liaison officer as the first point of contact for students and scientists. The opening of the TUM Mumbai office took place in 2014. Photo: M.
Whenever possible, the TUM Executive Board is on site at major events to maintain good relations. Here, Vice President Prof. Juliane Winkelmann at the Indo-German Dialogue in New Delhi. Photo: DWIH New Delhi
Panel discussion on the future of knowledge transfer between India and Germany in New Delhi: Prof. Johannes Sauer represented TUM on an expert panel together with TUM Alumna Ria Rustagi. Image: Jai Narula
Prof. Johannes Sauer from the TUM Chair of Agricultural Production and Resource Economics (center), his research associate Roberto Villalba Camacho (2nd from left) and TUM Mumbai Liaison Officer Mohaa Vyas (left) with TUM Alumni at a meeting at the German Embassy in New Delhi. Image: Jai Narula
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TUM Mumbai – the liaison office for India
The prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology have been TUM's close partners in India since 2001. Since 2014, TUM Mumbai has been serving as an interface between TUM and India with its diverse opportunities in terms of research, education and innovation. The office establishes contacts with Indian stakeholders, supports Indo-German projects and initiatives, and regularly places TUM faculty members at international research events.
News and Insights from the TUM Mumbai liaison office
Simon Lutz is studying Environmental Engineering at TUM in his 1st Master’s semester with a specialization on “Environmental Hazards and Resource Management”. For his 6-month internship with GIZ in New Delhi in…
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Is the world facing „A revival of the Malthusian Threat”? Prof. Johannes Sauer, head of the Chair for Agricultural Production and Resource Economics, pursued this question in a “Science Circle Lecture” in Delhi…
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