Founded in 1997, the Stanford German Students Association (SGSA) is a forum for Stanford stakeholders who have an interest in German language and culture. SGSA's mission is to promote the exchange of ideas between Silicon Valley and Germany, to show Stanford students career opportunities in Germany, and to strengthen German cultural values within the Stanford community.
SGSA was represented by eight students, including the president of the association, Leandra Zimmermann and vice president Ruth Appel. On the part of TUM, Liaison Officer Jeff Ouimet and three alumni Felicitas Binz, Bernhard Hausleitner, and Stefan Faistenauer participated. TUM is part of the German Hub in San Francisco, which also includes the DAAD, the DWIH initiative German Center for Research and Innovation San Francisco, and Invest in Bavaria.
After introductions, participants talked about a number of current events in the Bay Area. Among other things, the respective representatives of the German Hub members reported on the opening of the new German Center for Research and Innovation in San Francisco, presented the internship programs offered by Stanford University, and discussed the role of the German American Chamber of Commerce in supporting German startups.
Looking to the future, SGSA and the members of the German Hub want to work even more closely together. From now on, they will inform each other about any relevant events that are of interest to all parties and also create additional opportunities for cooperation.